Rejecting RPKI Invalid BGP Routes

Reject RPKI Invalid BGP Routes


A complete filter for any BGP configuration should reject RPKI invalid BGP routes.

Whether a route is RPKI invalid or not is determined following RFC 6811 and RFC 8893.

It is considered harmful to manipulate BGP Path Attributes (for example LOCAL_PREF or COMMUNITY) based on the RPKI Origin Validation state. Making BGP Path Attributes dependent on RPKI Validation states introduces needless brittleness in the global routing system as explained here. Additionally, the use of RFC 8097 is STRONGLY ABSOLUTELY NOT RECOMMENDED. RFC 8097 has caused issues for multi-vendor network operators.

The RPKI documentation project lists various Relaying Party software packages.

Configuration Examples

OpenBGPD on OpenBSD

This is an example how to do Origin Validation without the RPKI-To-Router protocol. Ensure the rpki-client root crontab entry is enabled and runs every hour.

# crontab -l | grep rpki
~   *   *   *   *   -ns   rpki-client && bgpctl reload

Import the rpki-client generated config and instruct bgpd to reject RPKI invalid routes

include "/var/db/rpki-client/openbgpd" # consume VRPs from rpki-client
deny quick from ebgp ovs invalid       # dont import invalids
deny quick to ebgp ovs invalid         # dont export invalids

It is REALLY NOT recommended to make set or modify any BGP Path Attributes based on the Origin Validation state (keyword: ovs).


Configure RTR

routing-options {
  autonomous-system 64511;
  validation {
    group rpki-validator {
      session {

Instruct the router to reject RPKI invalid routes, and also mark not-found and valid routes with a non-transitive state. note: BGP communities or other BGP Path Attributes REALLY MUST NOT be modified based on the validation state!

policy-statement rpki {
  term reject_invalid {
    from {
      protocol bgp;
      validation-database invalid;
    then {
      validation-state invalid;
  term mark_valid {
    from {
      protocol bgp;
      validation-database valid;
    then {
      validation-state valid;
      next policy;
  then {
    validation-state unknown;
    next policy;

Cisco classic IOS and IOS XE

In all IOS and IOS-XE releases, Route Origin Validation will intervene in BGP best path selection, which will result in routing loops. You should use the command bgp bestpath prefix-validate disable to disable the integrated Route Origin Validation and do it manually in a route-map instead:

router bgp 64500
 bgp log-neighbor-changes
 bgp rpki server tcp
 address-family ipv4
  bgp bestpath prefix-validate disable
 address-family ipv6
  bgp bestpath prefix-validate disable

Match and deny based on RPKI validation state.

route-map ebgp-in deny 1
 match rpki invalid

An alternative and strongly discouraged way to avoid those routing loops is to use IBGP signalling (send-community extended and announce rpki state neighbor configurations). This will lead to unecessary control plane load and interdependencies.

soft-reconfiguration inbound should be enabled on EBGP sessions to avoid periodic BGP Router Refreshes (when VRP tables are updated).

Cisco IOS-XR

note: ABSOLUTELY DO NOT configure bgp origin-as validation signal ibgp (see above note above about RFC8097). Enabling validation signaling causes unnecesary BGP protocol chatter in the routing system.

Configure RTR and enable RPKI for each address family

router bgp 1
 bgp bestpath origin-as allow invalid
 address-family ipv4 unicast
   bgp origin-as validation enable
 address-family ipv6 unicast
   bgp origin-as validation enable
 rpki server

Match and deny based on RPKI validation state

route-policy rpki-validate
  if validation-state is invalid then

Apply policy in policy chain where needed

route-policy ebgp-in
  apply rpki-validate
  <rest of policy>

Don’t forget to enable soft-reconfiguration inbound always for each EBGP neighbor for each address-family! It is too bad this does not happen by default.


BIRD 2.0 supports RTR. However, the current implementation does not perform an automatic revalidation of routes upon receipt of new ROAs.

The RPKI-RTR protocol receives and maintains a set of ROAs from a cache server (also called validator). You can validate routes (RFC 6483) using function roa_check() in filter and set it as import filter at the BGP protocol. BIRD should re-validate all of affected routes after RPKI update by RFC 6811, but we don’t support it yet! You can use a BIRD’s client command reload in bgp_protocol_name for manual call of revalidation of all routes. (

The rtrsub utility can be used to generate static ROA tables for BIRD 1.6.

Set up RTR as following:

roa4 table r4;
roa6 table r6;

protocol rpki {
  roa4 {
    table r4;
  roa6 {
    table r6;
  remote "" port 323;

Define a function which returns false when a BGP route is RPKI invalid.

Note: REALLY DONT store the validation state inside a bgp_community or bgp_large_community or bgp_ext_community variables. It can cause CPU & memory overload resulting in convergence performance issues.

function check_rpki_rov()
  if (roa_check(r4, net, bgp_path.last) = ROA_INVALID ||
      roa_check(r6, net, bgp_path.last) = ROA_INVALID) then {
        return false;

  return true;

# Filter applied to EBGP session definde in protocol
filter ebgp_inbound
 if check_rpki_rov() then {

# example protocol definition with filter applied
protocol bgp PEER1 from PEERS_TEMPLATE {
  description "PEER DESCRIPTION";
  local as 64500;
  neighbor as 64500;
  ipv4 {
    filter filter ebgp_inbound;
  ipv6 {
    filter filter ebgp_inbound;

Nokia SR OS

RPKI validator can be configured via:

  • The Base routing instance (example below)
  • The management routing instance on OOB Ethernet port

Configure RTR to the RPKI validator(s)

Classic CLI configuration:

A:br1-nyc>config>router>origin-validation# info detail
                description "RTR Server"
                no shutdown

MD-CLI configuration:

[ex:configure router "Base" origin-validation]
A:admin@br1-nyc# info
    rpki-session {
        admin-state enable
        description "RTR Server"

Drop invalid prefixes

Dropping invalid prefixes can be done using a routing policy or in the BGP configuration.

Classic CLI routing policy configuration:

A:br1-nyc>config>router>policy-options# info
            policy-statement "ORIGIN_POLICY"
                entry 10
                        origin-validation-state invalid
                    action drop
                entry 20
                        origin-validation-state notFound
                    action accept
                entry 30
                        origin-validation-state valid
                    action accept

MD-CLI routing policy configuration:

[ex:configure policy-options]
A:admin@br1-nyc# info
    policy-statement "ORIGIN_POLICY" {
        entry 10 {
            from {
                origin-validation-state invalid
            action {
                action-type reject
        entry 20 {
            from {
                origin-validation-state not-found
            action {
                action-type accept
        entry 30 {
            from {
                origin-validation-state valid
            action {
                action-type accept

Classic CLI BGP configuration (group or neighbor specific):

A:br1-nyc>config>router>bgp# info
            group "EBGP_PEERING”
                import "ORIGIN_POLICY"
                enable-origin-validation ipv4 ipv6
            no shutdown

MD-CLI BGP configuration (group or neighbor specific):

[ex:configure router "Base" bgp]
A:admin@br1-nyc# info
    peer-ip-tracking true
    best-path-selection {
        origin-invalid-unusable true
    group "EBGP_PEERING" {
        origin-validation {
            ipv4 true
            ipv6 true
        import {
            policy ["ORIGIN_POLICY"]

Origin validation in a VPRN instance requires SR OS 19.7.R1 or higher.

Classic CLI VPRN BGP configuration (group or neighbor specific):

A:br1-nyc>config>service>vprn>bgp# info
                group "VPRN_PEERING"
                    import "ORIGIN_POLICY"
                    enable-origin-validation ipv4 ipv6
                no shutdown

MD-CLI VPRN BGP configuration (group or neighbor specific):

[ex:configure service vprn "100" bgp]
A:admin@br1-nyc# info
    best-path-selection {
        origin-invalid-unusable true
    group "VPRN_PEERING" {
        origin-validation {
            ipv4 true
            ipv6 true
        import {
            policy ["ORIGIN_POLICY"]

UPDATE 2024-11: We have removed the compare-origin-validation-state true part under best-path-selection, as this option takes the origin validation state into account in the BGP Best Path selection process and can result in unpredicted behaviour:

When compare-origin-validation-state is configured a new step is added to the BGP decision process after removal of invalid routes and before the comparison of local preference. The new step compares the origin validation state, so that a route with a ‛Valid’ state is preferred over a route with a ‛Not-Found’ state, and a route with a ‛Not-Found’ state is preferred over a route with an ‛Invalid’ state assuming that these routes are considered ‛usable’. The new step is skipped if the compare-origin-validation-state command is not configured.

For more information see: Nokia Unicast Routing Protocols Guide

FRR (vtysh)

First, make sure that you have -M rpki added to the bgpd_options= line of /etc/frr/daemons

route-map INTERNET-IN deny 10
 match rpki invalid

 rpki cache <validator_ip> 3323 preference 1


set protocols rpki cache <validator_ip> port '3323'
set protocols rpki cache <validator_ip> preference '1'

set policy route-map INTERNET-IN rule 10 action 'deny'
set policy route-map INTERNET-IN rule 10 match rpki 'invalid'


RouterOS v7

Since RouterOS v7 MikroTik has added support for RPKI-validation.

Configure RTR

add address= group=rpki-validator port=323

Now validate the prefixes in the EBGP ingress policy:

add chain=GENERIC_PREFIX_LIST rule="rpki-verify rpki-validator"
add chain=GENERIC_PREFIX_LIST rule="if (rpki invalid){ reject }"

If you specify more then one validator in one group, only one of the validators will be used. If you have multiple validators, and you want your routers to connect to all of them, you have to create multiple groups.

Huawei VRP

Configure RTR and enable RPKI.

  tcp port 323
bgp 65535
  prefix origin-validation enable
  bestroute origin-as-validation

The BGP best path selection process now ignores the routes with validation result Invalid during route selection.

Arista EOS

Set up RTR to RPKI Validator Cache:

router bgp 64500
  # configure RTR
  rpki cache
    local-interface Loopback0
  # enable origin validation
  rpki origin-validation
    ebgp local

Now match in EBGP ingress policy and reject RPKI invalid BGP routes:

route-map ebgp-in deny 1
   match origin-as validity invalid